It sounds too good to be true. This is amazing. These prices are incredible. I love this Co-op. How do you do it? This will save me so much money. How come I didn’t hear about the Co-op sooner?
These are just a few things I hear from folks like you that call us every day. The Co-op now has thousands of members, but that’s nothing when you think about the hundreds of thousands of homes that are still paying much more per gallon for home heating oil and propane because they haven’t heard about the Galway Co-op. The Co-op has a very shallow advertising budget so I’m asking you to spread the word. Word of mouth, along with modest signs on the side of the road, helped get the Co-op to where it is today and will take us to new levels of growth. Growth will benefit both new and existing Co-op members because it will allow us to offer new discount products and services and perhaps reduce our fuel cost even more. Tell your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers, call your local newspaper and favorite news station. Tell them about the money you’re saved and the good work we’ve done.