May 9, 2011 | General News

We have over 300 members currently interested in Co-op lawn signs. Thank you to all who are interested. We anticipate upon delivery that the number of Coop members will largely increase from this type of advertisement. We are looking for any Coop members that are interested in delivering signs in their area. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated and the Coop will reciprocate by waving your next year’s membership fee. Please contact us if you are interested ASAP via email GalwayCoop@aol.com.

Food Program
Very few members have responded to our food program idea mentioned in the newsletter sent earlier this year. We need to know if there is enough interest before we can further pursue this program. The basic premise is that members would place their orders on the Co-op’s website once per month and piick-up locations would be available at various points in the Capital Region. Without commitment to the program, please tell us the food items & types in which you might be interested if the price were right? Write to us at GalwayCoop@aol.com.

©2016-Current Galway Co-op Inc.

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