Aug 5, 2011 | General News

Our contract with Ferrellgas will end in April of 2013. The Co-op has been in negotiation with Ferrellgas and another national LP company to service our members from April 2013 forward. Our Representative from Ferrellgas and the other area manager have been very diligent in addressing the needs of our members. The relationships have allowed us both to grow. There are many variables that have to be considered at this time, including customer service, service areas, referral incentives, advertisement reimbursement, and of course, cost. Ferrellgas has assured us, that despite economy driven operating increases they’ve incurred over the first three years of our contract, there will be no price increases at the very least. They have said that other smaller groups they deal with will see price increases at the end of their terms. The competing LP company has not, as of yet, presented their contract, but has given assurances that their prices will be competitive. One concern the Co-op has is the customer service complaints that surround the competing company. Although customer service complaints from a national LP company are common, we have been assured that our group will be given the attention that a customer using 2,000,000 gallons of propane yearly deserves. Needless to say, the discussion is one that has to be considered carefully. We will have more information for you shortly.

©2016-Current Galway Co-op Inc.

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