Utica and Syracuse

May 20, 2012 | General News

Over the past few years you folks from the Utica and Syracuse areas have called us, talking about the price of propane and heating oil out your way. You say you want to do business with a company that respects your business. You say you want great service. You say you want transparency. But most of all, you want great pricing. You see the fuel prices we have posted and you ask why you can’t get those prices. We have watched the fuel prices in Oneida and Onondaga counties over the past four years. And we agree that you are paying too much. We are currently taking on new members in the Herkimer County. So hold on, we’re coming! We will keep you informed of our progress via this website, as it becomes available. In the meantime, feel free to email us at info@fuels4less.com with any questions you may have.

And remember, while other fuel buying groups have come and gone, we have grown into the largest residential/commercial fuel buying group in the United States. And saving our members a lot of money got us there.

©2016-Current Galway Co-op Inc.

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