Dec 23, 2013 | General News

We have had a great year. Once again we have grown at a rate that is unsurpassed in the fuel service industry. With this kind of growth comes growing pains. In our case, these pains came from a stressed fuel delivery system. Any business will tell you this is a good problem to have. The good news is the CEO of Ferrellgas recognizes the need for more drivers and has allocated 10 additional drivers to get us our propane on time. This underscores the strength of our group and clearly shows that our partnership with Ferrellgas is a strong one. We have added a third fuel oil supplier that will cover Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, Schoharie, Fulton, Montgomery and Hamilton counties with premium #2 fuel oil for 45¢over the spot price. Residents in Warren county are encouraged to call us with any interest they have in being serviced.

Our new building on Route 29 in Galway is coming along. The office, which is the smallest part of the building, will be completed soon. The rest will be tackled in the spring. In addition to selling propane tanks, our heating and cooling division will be housed there also. We are also considering a wood stove and fireplace showroom, but have not yet decided.

Through the last years challenges I’ve learned that the majority of our members are very committed to our group. 94% of the folks that join us are referrals from existing members. 67% of the folks that leave us come back within two years.—I think this says a lot.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

©2016-Current Galway Co-op Inc.

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