Your cost is based on the current wholesale price per gallon $1.32 of 1/13/2024 plus*:
The Co-op reserves the right to change the premium you pay above the wholesale price (spot) upward or downward without advanced notice.
*Please note; If you chose to be a “will call” member instead of a “scheduled delivery member,” please add $0.10 per gallon.
Ferrellgas will provide to each individual Co-Op member the following at no additional charge:
- Above ground Tank(s) of Appropriate size at no additional charge.
- High and low Pressure regulators as necessary.
- Initial Purge of the tank (if necessary)
- 24hr Emergency Service
- Free test performed upon delivery of first propane order for new customers.
- Pressurized Gas Safety system check on leased tanks prior to propane fill including:
- Pressure testing the entire propane system; Inspecting the tank, piping, regulator, gauges, connectors, valves, vents (thermostats, pilots, burners and appliance controls).
- Advising the Cooperative member of the safe and efficient ways of operating their system, and addressing such ‘duty to warn’ concepts as familiarizing them with the odor of propane and leaving instructions on what should be done in the event that the odor of propane is detected.
- Providing Emergency and Service numbers for Direct call.
- One year service warranty on all service work performed.
- Please listen below for more tank related information.
⇒You can save 30¢ per gallon by purchasing your own tank!
⇒To purchase a tank by filling out a form and mailing a check to us, CLICK HERE.
⇒For more information on propane tanks, CLICK HERE.
Propane pricing history (from most current to oldest):